导师:汪方军 教授
[1] Zhang Z*, Wang F. Managerial short-termism and financial statement comparability [J]. Accounting & Finance, 2023, 1-41. DOI: 10.1111/acfi.13138. (SSCI, ABS 2, JCR 2区;西安交通大学米兰网页版,米兰(中国),米兰(中国)C类国际期刊,序号:2;西安交通大学管理学门类1“最有国际影响力的学术期刊”目录,序号:7)
[2] Wang F, Zhang Z*, Ho LC, Usman M. CFO gender and financial statement comparability [J]. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2023, 80: 102100. DOI: 10.1016/j.pacfin.2023.102100. (SSCI, ABS 2, JCR 2区; 西安交通大学米兰网页版,米兰(中国),米兰(中国)C类国际期刊,序号:380; 西安交通大学管理学门类1“最有国际影响力的学术期刊”目录,序号:274)
[3] Wang F*, Zhang Z, Xu L. Corporate social responsibility and financial statement comparability: Evidence from China [J]. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2020, 27(3): 1375-1394. DOI: 10.1002/csr.1890. (SSCI, ABS 1, JCR 1区;西安交通大学米兰网页版,米兰(中国),米兰(中国)C类国际期刊,序号:74; 西安交通大学管理学门类1“国际知名学术刊物”目录,序号:140)
[4] Peng C, Wang F, Zhang Z*. Firm’s intelligent manufacturing strategy and R&D expenditures [J]. Journal of Developing Areas, 2023, 57(2): 189-202. DOI: 10.1353/jda.2023.0029. (SSCI, ABS 1; 西安交通大学米兰网页版,米兰(中国),米兰(中国)C类国际期刊, 序号: 249)
[5] Qiu M*, Gu K, Zhang Z, Zhang J. Political uncertainty and financial statement readability [J]. Research in International Business and Finance, 2023, 66: 102068. DOI: 10.1016/j.ribaf.2023.102068. (SSCI, ABS 2;西安交通大学经济学门类“国际知名学术刊物”目录,序号:156)
[6] 张俊瑞,仇萌*,张志超,马晨.“深港通”与前瞻性信息披露——基于上市公司年报语言将来时态特征的研究[J].证券市场导报,2022,357(4):15-26.(CSSCI来源期刊)
[7] 张俊瑞,仇萌*,张志超.机构投资者抱团与前瞻性信息披露[J].统计与信息论坛,2023,38(5):53-66.(CSSCI来源期刊)
[8]张志超,汪方军*,马莉珠.会计信息可比性的影响因素与经济后果: 文献综述与展望[J].财务研究,2018,23(5):89-97.(CSSCI来源期刊(扩展版))
[9] Wang F, Zhang Z*, Ho LC, et al. CFO gender and financial statement comparability [C]. American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, 2022, August, San Diego, USA.(西安交通大学国际高水平会议)
[10] Wang F*, Zhang Z, Xu L, et al. Corporate social responsibility and financial statement comparability: Evidence from China [C]. American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, 2019, August, San Francisco, USA. (西安交通大学国际高水平会议)