最新活动Latest activities
- 讲座:Dine-in or Food Delivery? A Dilemma of Service Priority 2024-09-12
- 讲座:Two Studies on the Application of Cloud Computing and Blockchain in Accounting an... 2024-09-09
- 讲座:Optimal Labor Sourcing in Gig Economy: Theory and Empirical Analysis 2024-08-23
- 讲座:Operation Dumbo Drop: To Airdrop or Not to Airdrop for Initial Coin Offering Succ... 2024-08-14
- 讲座:Multichannel Effects of Mobile Infeed Advertising 2024-08-04
- 讲座:Mind the gender pay gap: Salary history ban and corporate innovation 2024-07-19
- 讲座:Computational Design Science:A Critical Information Systems Research Area Contrib... 2024-07-16
- 讲座:Thoughts on Publishing in Tourism Journals via an Outside-in approach: The Case o... 2024-06-27
- 讲座:Production Sourcing Strategy in a Multi-tier Supply Chain with Wholesale Price Di... 2024-06-24
- 讲座:利用自然语言处理和人工智能促进商业研究 2024-06-17
- 讲座:“思源市场学研究论坛”系列报告之二十七 刻板印象威胁对消费者价格感知的影响 2024-06-12
- 讲座:“思源市场学研究论坛”系列报告之二十六 品牌昵称营销 2024-06-11
- 讲座 | 稳态 CVaR 的动态优化理论与算法研 2024-06-07
- 讲座:Strategic Inventories in Competitive Supply Chains under Bargaining 2024-06-04
- 研讨会 | AI大模型建设与管理学科发展 2024-06-03
- 研讨会 | AI大模型建设与管理学科发展 2024-06-03
- 讲座 | 叙事共建视角下的领导力困境 2024-05-30
- 讲座:Decomposing Both/And: SMART Strategies for Balancing Paradoxical Opposites 2024-05-30
- 讲座:An effective and robust genetic algorithm and exact algorithms for passenger-good... 2024-05-30
- 讲座:叙事共建视角下的领导力困境 2024-05-29