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- 沙龙 | 2024 新质生产力赋能未来商科发展研讨沙龙 2024-05-27
- 讲座:平台物流供应链协同运作管理 2024-05-23
- 讲座:Design and Pricing of Extended Warranty Menus Based on Discrete Choice Models 2024-05-22
- 讲座:Pairing up with anthropomorphized artificial agents: Leveraging employee creativi... 2024-05-15
- 讲座:The Role of Biodiversity Risk Disclosure in Corporate Leverage Management 2024-05-15
- 讲座:Problemistic search in multibusiness firms 2024-05-15
- 讲座:案例方法的底层逻辑与案例开发 2024-05-15
- 题目: Bilevel Additive Models 2024-04-10
- 题目:Is There Regime-specific Return Predictability in Quantiles? 2024-04-10
- 讲座:执两用中:CEO谦逊促进企业双元创新平衡的理论与证据 2024-04-10
- 讲座:智能系统的可靠性及管理相关问题的讨论 2024-04-08
- 讲座:Nexus Effect: Unraveling the Impact of Political Patronage Connections on Corpora... 2024-04-08
- 讲座:Stochastic and multi-criteria optimization for remanufacturing industry 2024-04-03
- 讲座:空间转录组数据中的统计问题 2024-03-27
- 讲座:低代码时代的信息化、大数据、人工智能实用工具分享 2024-03-26
- 题目:中国对外工程行业深度分析 2023-11-24
- 讲座:产业创新集群和世界一流高科技园区建设 2023-11-22
- 讲座:公司治理与科技创新 2023-11-20
- 题目:面向用户行为的可解释多模态智能推理 2023-11-15
- 题目:智慧互联与可持续发展制造系统的机遇、挑战与案例分析 2023-11-06